Posts Tagged ‘philanthropist’

The Oscar Villarreal Family Foundation is proud to be a difference maker in people’s lives, particularly those living and working in the Northeast Ohio region. Through the creation of the Virginia Martinez Scholarship Fund, both Oscar Villarreal and his foundation are able to help provide young people the educational support they need to achieve their educational objectives and pursue their dreams.

Oscar Villarreal, a long-time professional and leader in the oil services field, takes advantage of any opportunity he gets to give back to the local community, and is proud of his family foundation’s efforts to improve and strengthen both the lives and the community of Cleveland and Northeast Ohio. The Virginia Martinez Scholarship Fund provides Hispanic students at Cuyahoga Community College the chance to receive a high-quality education, giving them the tools and knowledge they need to become more successful and prepared members of the community. Students are grateful of the financial support of the Oscar Villarreal Family Foundation, which has become known for its many philanthropic endeavors across Cleveland and beyond.

Oscar Villarreal believes that, as a successful business professional and community leader, he has a Villarreal and significant obligation to make a difference. Whether it’s through a $100,000 financial endowment to Cuyahoga Community College, demonstrated support of such organizations as the Cleveland Zoological Society or commitment to keep Cleveland Rivergate Park clean and safe for future generations, Oscar Villarreal has shown his generosity and willingness to give back on numerous occasions. He has a genuine interest in making the community of Cleveland a better and safer place to live, something that is evident in his foundation’s consistent and generous philanthropy.

Oscar Villarreal is the President and CEO of his firm, and currently has a controlling stake in Black Mountain Enterprises. He has developed a reputation for savvy business leadership and expert business management, and has been integral in the increased profitability and continued growth of Black Mountain Enterprises since 2006.

Oscar Villarreal understands how important it is for members of the business community to be actively involved in in charity and philanthropy. Successful business professionals, such as Oscar Villarreal, are in a unique position to make a Villarreal difference for their communities.